L.J. Jennings

President NAREB Sales Division (NSD)

LJ Jennings has a broad and diverse background in business, community engagement, housing development and ecumenical affairs. Over the past 35 years LJ has owned and operated a successful real estate and mortgage company, developed several affordable housing projects, started several nonprofit organizations. Currently LJ operates a 100 bed transitional housing facility for formerly incarcerated individuals, serves as president of his community development company, leads a consortium of churches in the Bay Area, all while Pastoring a thriving and growing church in Oakland California.

LJ Jennings is the President Pyramid Real Estate & Investments, a full service real estate company. As a 30+ year veteran of the real estate industry, His experience covers the breadth of the real estate industry serving nationally, statewide and locally within all the major real estate association in America. His experience includes nonprofit housing development; turning vacant and blighted sites into homes for low income and persons with disabilities. His experience extends into the mortgage financing arena and the utilization of tax credits, pooled funds and neighborhood stabilization funds.

L.J. prides himself on giving back to the community. He currently serves in the following capacities

• Chief of staff for the National Association of Real Estate Brokers Inc.

• President of the Sales Division of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB).

• President of the East Oakland Community Development Corporation; a nonprofit housing and community development organization.

• Fiscal Agent, Founding and Steering Committee Member of the East Oakland Entrepreneurship Forum; a collaboration of Eco-System partners that deliver services to small businesses.

• President of the Heartland Merchants Association; leading small black business owners with technical assistance on business incubation and acceleration.

• President of the Bay Area Community Benefit Organization; an ecclesiastical body committed to building the social service capacity of churches in Alameda County.

He has held numerous local, statewide and national leadership positions in both civic and religious capacities. He is frequently called on by elected officials for input and comments on proposed legislation. He is a valued community voice and is influential in local politics. In addition to his many responsibilities he is the Senior Pastor of Kingdom Builders Christian Fellowship.

L.J. is an accomplished speaker, teacher and presenter, frequently sharing his insight and knowledge with audiences across the United States. He is a thoughtful, creative and motivating executive leading many individuals and organizations to realize their full potential. His heart is serving and serving with excellence.

LJ Holds a Doctorate in Theology from Sacramento Theological Seminary, an Honorary Doctorate in Ministry from Bell Grove Theological Seminary, a Masters and Bachelors in Christian Education from CH Mason Bible College. He also attended California State University Hayward, where he majored in Political Science and Business Administration. He is a graduate of the Dale Carnegie Courses. A life long resident of Oakland, he is married to Karen Jennings and together they have three lovely daughters, Jasmin, Lauren and Lena.

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